Monday, January 11, 2010

Hoping & Bracing

Hoping: to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.

Bracing: to summon up one's courage; to tighten, clasp, strengthen, or fortify.

These were the topics in the past two sections in my devotional Longing For a Child. The exact emotions I am going through right now. I am hoping that this next cycle with have positive results but I am also bracing to be curled up in a ball bawling my eyes out with a negative. I know I need to stay positive and I can say that the past few days the negative thoughts are tucked way back in my mind. I know I have been quiet on here and not doing very many updates. I am dealing with a flood of emotions and am trying to get my head on straight.

My times are in your hands. (Psalm 31:15a)

Lord, I feel as if hope is my enemy. My past disappointments and my future fears are stealing my joy. The battle within my soul rages on. Help me, Lord! Help me see that you are the joy that gives me strength-strength to celebrate a small, or large, victory. You are my Hope. I surrender my disappointments and fears to you today. Fill me with faith, hope, and love. Today, I choose to trust you and hope again. Thank you, Lord! Amen.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Don't feel obligated to "fill us in" on what's going on inside of you. This journey has been a personal one for you and you don't need to feel like you "owe" anyone any explanation as to what's going on.

I'm praying for you and will await patiently the outcome when you are ready to talk about whatever God is doing in your life. You take your time.