Thursday, December 4, 2008

Beta Eve

I can't stop thinking about it, it consumes my every thought! This is true torture! I can't believe the day is almost here. It has gone by a little quicker for me because I was sidetracked a little by the Thanksgiving holidays. I am trying to prepare myself if it is negative, but how do you prepare yourself for something like that?????? I am going shopping tonight with my mom and sister, so hopefully I will be able to take my mind off of tomorrow for a little while. Hopefully I will be able to get some Christmas shopping done, since I wasn't able to join in on our family tradition on Black Friday.

Funny but kind of gross story:
Last night I had to pack my shot up and bring it with me to church, because Marcus stays after for a little while and I have not been brave enough to try and give it to myself. It is a shot that has to be given in the muscle (upper butt) and I am not sure I am that flexible (just try and picture doing it) all with a 1 & 1/2" needle, all while avoiding blood vessels. So I packed all my supplies (an extra needle in case a blood vessel is hit). The first needle I put on had something on it, so I changed it out with the extra one I had brought. While I was doing this I told Marcus he could not hit a blood vessel because we now don't have any extra needles. Side note, by now he has given me tons of shots and no blood vessels have been hit (great job honey). As soon as he was checking for blood I looked back and saw red!!!!! Oh no he hit a blood vessel!!! We now have to start over and clean everything up and use the first needle. It turned out to be a piece of plastic from the cover that was on the needle so I still felt like it was okay to use (I mean it was all we had). Nurses out there don't let me know if we did anything wrong, because it is done and we can't change it now. Marcus said that I jinxed him by telling him not to hit a blood vessel. Tonight will also be interesting because my mom will have to give me my shot (I guess in the back of the car). Don't worry I packed extra needles for tonight. Hopefully we won't look like we are shooting up in the mall parking lot?????? Oh, the stories we have from going through IVF. You have to laugh about them, it's what keeps everything interesting!

I am not going to post the results on Friday, whatever they are. This will give us time to take it all in and talk with our families. Sorry you will all have to wait a little longer to find out.


Hollie said...

The waiting is so hard after all you have been through. That's funny about the needle being jinxed. That's good that you are going shopping tonight to take your mind off of things. I'm praying for a BFP for you tomorrow. I understand that you may not want to share the news tomorrow. Hopefully it's good news and you are celebrating tomorrow. CORM was pretty quick with calling me with results. My blood draw was at 7:45 am and I got the phone call around 11:00 am. Prayers~~~~~~~~~~~

Chris and Melanee said...

Good Luck tomorrow...I am also praying for a BFP for you guys! Oh how I HATE that dreaded wait to get the results back! It was the absolute worst part of the whole process including the needles, ER, ET, crazy hormones, and everything else that IVF includes. I can't wait to hear the results but I understand wanting time to take EVERYTHING in. You are in our prayers though!

Teresa & Connie said...

This is pure torture, I'm praying for a BFP and a post saying so tomorrow. Tomorrow is not Friday, it's Saturday so I expect some news dang it. Haha! Seriously though, I can't wait to hear that you're pregnant, because you so are.