Thursday, January 22, 2009

Undergoing a change

I have learned so many things about myself through infertility. This is just one small fraction of my undergoing a change. I know this might surprise some of you, but I use to be a very judgmental person. I would look at things certain people were going through and critique the way they were handling the situation. I would say “I would never do that, especially that way!” Wow, how God reveals things to us and makes us reflect on our way of thinking. On some level it is only human to try and think of how we would handle certain circumstances that others are going through. I love this quote from To Kill a Mockingbird, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” Atticus Finch

We would have to make a complete 180ยบ and truly, I mean truly see situations from their point of view. If we could climb into another’s skin for however long, maybe just a day, then we might understand them and why they choose to do certain things. Maybe we would understand their problems and solutions to those problems. Maybe if we could experience the very heartbreak, every disappointment, and every experience they have gone through that shapes them into the person they are today, then maybe we could then begin to see their lives and decisions. But we can’t do this! Every situation is different and there are so many solutions to those circumstances. I guess I am writing this as a person who is undergoing a change of heart and a way of thinking about things. Do I still struggle with judging others, yes, but it doesn’t take me long to realize that I am not the one to pass judgment. Only God can judge and only God truly knows what we are going through. Just think of what would happen if everyone in our world would stop judging and truly care about others and help them through their struggles and problems.

I am sure people have judged our decisions that we have made throughout our journey, but I accept that as human nature. I would never wish anyone to have to go through the things that we have gone through and made the decisions that we have had to make. Each and every decision was made with deep contemplation and prayer. I can truly say that I would not change a thing, not one decision. I am writing this as a person who has been convicted of one of my many sins and just trying to make others take a deeper look inside at those everyday things we do without realizing.


Hollie said...

Thanks for sharing your feelings with us. We all should reflect on these thoughts and try to not judge people, but truly feel love and concern for all people.

I'm so excited for your upcoming transfer. I hope and pray this one works out for you

Jenn said...

You and Marcus are probably some of the strongest people I know. I know God is leading you and teaching you and showing you things about yourself and each other. What an incredible experience...not the infertility but the opportunity to come into close contact with your Creator...the One who made you who you are..the One who brought you and Marcus together. I love you so much and I will be praying for you on Monday.

I think Chandler said it best when he said, "She is a mother with out a child". I believe you are that woman, Lindsey. Your's is coming...

Teresa & Connie said...

Great post! I'm so glad you've learned something from IVF...I still haven't lol. Other than it sucks. Praying for your miracle!

Rene said...

I totally understand. A few years ago a lady in our church was going through IF and did not handle it well at all. I judged her and even went so far as to say that I would never act that way if I was in the same situation. God only knows the sadness I feel now at how I judged that situation. You can truly never understand until you walk that same road.