Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happily a pincushion

E2 Levels:

They are happy that my levels are slowing down and I am suppose to continue on with the same drug routine. The nurse said that there are some people that they only need to check every other day, but I am not one of those people (Lucky me). I am going to be one of those people that need to be closely monitored. Yes, that means I am going in again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day (have you caught on yet) to have blood work and/or ultrasounds done. But that’s okay with me, I happily give them my arm to bruise up and wait anxiously to here what my levels are. I know to some of you this might sound weird, but I look forward to sticking myself with three needles each night and turn around and get blood taken each morning. This is just what we have to do and all of this brings us one step closer to our little miracle!!!!


Teresa & Connie said...

It's like going through all of the pain is gonna make you appreciate pregnancy even more! How exciting for you, you could literally be pregnant in 2 weeks!!!

Jessica said...

I am so glad that you are keeping us updated! I think about you and this journey you are on daily and I want to remind you that you and Marcus are still in my prayers.

Hollie said...

That's good that they are monitoring you closely. I know what you mean about looking forward to the shots. It means you are one step closer to the retrieval and transfer! I wanted to let you know about a great support group at There is a message board under "Getting Pregnant" called "TTC:Infertility Treatment Support Group." I have made so many friends there. It's really great. You could also see under "Infertility Treatments" there is and "IVF" board. I really enjoyed asking questions and getting multiple responses.