Monday, November 10, 2008

I am not a junkie, just going through IVF!

I started on Friday my stimulation shots and I had to go in today to have some blood work done to check my estradiol levels. The nurse that took my blood said that I am going to look like a junkie by the end of this week, because my arms are going to be so bruised up. Luckily it is cool outside and I can wear long sleeves. The shots are going great, Marcus has even pitched in and given me some of them. I told him he needed to practice on the small needles before he has to give me the big shots. So far the only symptoms I have had are headaches. Saturday I had a migraine, so bad that Tylenol would not help, but I made it through the night. I am trying to make it through the day without taking any medicine at all, but I had to cave in on Saturday.

Well, the nurse just called with my levels and they are kind of high, so I am decreasing the units in one of my medicines. They also want to see me in the morning to do an ultrasound and more blood work (more bruises). They want to be very careful to not overstimulate me. We want to prevent ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). On a positive note, I am responding well to the medicine!!!! I am curious to see what the ultrasound tomorrow shows. I will keep you all updated!!!!


Michael Paine said...

good luck with all the needles EEK!

Hollie said...

Sorry about the headaches. Tylenol is perfectly safe. I had to take plenty. That's good that they are being careful with you. You don't want OHSS! I hope the stims are not too hard for you. Just be aware that you may start to not feel good in a couple of days, and you may need extra rest and less activity. I had a hard time with stims.

The Kyler said...

Thanks hollie!!! It is nice to have someone that has already been through this to get info from. I have been more tired than normal and I have also been waking up at 5:30am and not able to go back to sleep and I have never had sleeping problems.

Teresa & Connie said...

Thanks for the update! Been wondering. Read... just got a BFP, I hope it gives you tons of hope!